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From all at The Federation of Independent Detectorists and Detectorists.net
The other evening I was sitting on the couch looking over my sons shoulder to see what he was doing on his computer. I was surprised to see a broadcast quality film of two blokes metal detecting, then one of the two jumped up and showed a lovely hammered silver coin to the camera (lucky blighter was my first thought). It was quite an eyeopener just how much was available to watch and read in what turned out to be a forum with a link from the FID site metaldetectingforum.co.uk. The trouble is you put these links up, then forget all about them. So I'm more than grateful to Mark for the reminder. This forum really is worth a look when you cant get out detecting. It's the quality of the videos and photos of finds that makes it so interesting. Well I hope like me you will find it useful and enjoyable. Dont forget if you come accross any interesting websites relating to the hobby let FID know. In the meantime, good hunting to all. YET ANOTHER VERY INTERESTING TRUE STORY
On the 28th February this year, I decided to go to Bridlington to do a bit of detecting on the beaches there.
The beaches are split up into two areas, a north and south seperated by the harbour and town in the centre.
As is usual practice, I was sweeping along the beach when a chap asked me if I had found anything yet, and the general conversation talked about detecting machines and places and finds I had found.
The gentleman said he had done some detecting many years ago, and still had a detector in the loft which he had not used very much in th e past.
I asked him where he came from, and to my surprise, he said Chesterfield, the same town I was from.
I asked him his name and gavehim my address, and to both our surprises, he lived about 500 yards away from me.
Following on from this meeting, Bill Tughill has now joined FID and is now out detecting with myself most weekends and Wednesdays with our other companion Cliff Berrisford.
We have established a great freindship between us three and enjoy detecting togehter.. Long may it continue,.some farmers wife even called us the summer wine three.
A true worthwhile meeting on the beach at Bridlington even if I did spend two days there and only finding a 20 pence piece and one 10 pence new coin. But still happy days.
Chris Downes, Chesterfield.
BUTTONS (Who doesn/t find them?)
Hi there, I run a pro bono website (www.buttoncrs.com) about buttons that
Your membership may well find useful. In addition to a button
bibliography and articles on manufacturers there is a list of button manufacturers from the Sheffield Directories at the site. I am willing to assist any metal detectorist to identify and date uniform buttons of all kinds - it must be said tho' that my success rate for identifying livery buttons is only about 40%. Thank you for your attention, please let me know if I may be of assistance. John Dunnigan.
The release of the 'Nighthawking' report has created a great debate in detecting and archaeological circles. To read the thoughts of the archaeological fraternity it is best to go to the following link CBA INFORMATION As those of you who read the FID Bulletin will have seen, Justin Deeks attended the reports launch on behalf of FID and put his thoughts in FID Bulletin. In that context, the Crown Prosecution Service recently decided to drop the prosecution of a Mr. Robert Duquemin who was alleged to have removed a hoard of coins from a scheduled ancient monument in Wiltshire. That has caused an enormous amount of dismay because it sends out the signal that such activities are low risk. It should be made clear that, from a legal point of view, such activities are high risk and that prosecutions will take place. I hope that the Minister will examine that case, and will use her offices to press the prosecuting and law enforcement agencies to enforce heritage legislation. It would be helpful if the Department for Culture, Media and Sport sent out the message that such prosecutions are important. There is particular concern that the heritage value of the items stolen is not properly considered when decisions about prosecutions are taken. The cash value of a hoard of Roman coins could be modest—£20 to £50—and would fall outwith the normal Crown Prosecution Service guidelines for prosecution. However, the heritage value could be far more significant, particularly if one considers the damage that might have been done to the archaeological site to recover those items, even if their intrinsic cash value is low. Archaeological Objects Mr. Allan: To ask the Solicitor-General what action she intends to take following the decision not to proceed with the case against Mr. Robert Duqueria for the alleged removal of objects from the scheduled site of Cunetio in Wiltshire; and if she will issue new guidance on prosecutions for such removals to the Crown Prosecution Service. [172211] 14 Jun 2004 : Column 624W The Solicitor-General: I have already received and considered a detailed report from CPS Wiltshire concerning the case against Mr. Robert Duqueria who was charged with removing 25 Roman coins and three artefacts from a protected site following a police investigation including obtaining expert evidence. The CPS subsequently received a defence expert report which cast reasonable doubt on the evidence that the coins came from a protected site as opposed to a nearby site where permission may have been granted in any event. Prosecutions of this nature are relatively rare and may well demand appropriate expert evidence depending on the facts of the individual case. In this case all possible avenues were pursued and the case was correctly reviewed in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors. I am, therefore, satisfied that there is no need to take any further action in this case. In addition, there is no basis for concluding that the outcome of this particular case would have been affected by the availability of further guidance for prosecutions for such removals. The issues were clear and the case was dealt with correctly. Nevertheless, in view of its importance, I have asked the CPS to consider developing guidance on the subject as part of its electronic Legal Guidance. ![]() "Magazine apology" Dear David Once again your Bulletin has raised interesting questions. I attach a short piece about the Nighthawking report for your website. If you don’t want to use it, I will offer it to one of the other websites. Please let me know. Best wishes, Richard Thomas The Nighthawk Report – another view. When it comes to Public Relations, it seems that the metal detecting community really is its own worst enemy. Nighthawking destroys really important archaeological deposits. The illegal activity of Nighthawks continues to give responsible detectorists a bad name. And responsible detectorists are committed to fighting the Nighthawks just as hard as English Heritage. Yet when a report comes out that could help everyone, the only voices heard publicly are from ‘responsible detectorists’ who are opposed to it. The full report is currently being revised. English Heritage couldn’t say why. Perhaps it really is responding to justifiable criticism. But at least the summary report is available. And at first glance it’s not difficult to see why it’s caused so much controversy. The picture used immediately above the report’s third recommendation to ‘Establish and promote a central database of Nighthawking’ shows a camera pointed at what looks like a well organized legal metal detecting rally. And where praise is given to the National Council for Metal Detecting in producing a code for responsible detecting, it is given almost with a sneer. But, as my old granny used to say, it’s easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar. Instead of focusing on bad presentation, why not read what the report actually recommends? There are seven recommendations, and they all seem to be beneficial to any responsible detectorist. 1. Providing guidance for the Police and the CPS on how to combat and prosecute Nighthawking is good news. So why not include a request to provide guidance on how to recognize a responsible detectorist? Perhaps ask them to produce their Federation photo-identity card and current insurance? Responsible detectorists will all have one. 2. Provide information for landowners about Nighthawking and what to do about it. Excellent. So why not ask for information about the positive effects of responsible detecting to be included in that information. See recommendation 4. 3. A central database for Nighthawking. It can’t do much harm as long as it is open to correction through the normal data protection process. And it might even do some good. 4. Publicise the positive effects of responsible metal detecting and the negative effects of Nighthawking. Well, once again, I don’t see what’s wrong with that. 5. Ensure the PAS is fully funded so links between metal detectorists and archaeologists are further strengthened. Nothing wrong with that, either. 6. Integrate metal detecting into the archaeological process, including development control briefs. I’m surprised that detectorists across the nation aren’t all jumping with joy over that recommendation. First dibs at new sites? On the state? 7. A requirement to prove legal title to your sales, and a curb on irresponsible selling on Ebay (Editor’s summary). Again, nothing to fear and everything to gain. It’s true that responsible detecting is under attack from some rather spurious and marginal groups. But you don’t win the public argument by fighting openly with the lunatic fringes. That only gives them power and draws attention to their cause. What you do is publicly celebrate the positive, counter the negative either by irrefutable facts or by putting your own house in order if it needs it, and fight the opposition quietly behind closed doors. Very few people actually read reports: what they do read is newspaper headlines, and if those headlines are all about detectorists up in arms against English Heritage over a report about Nighthawking, it’s little wonder that Nighthawks and responsible detectorists are all lumped in together in the public mind. The English Heritage summary report on Nighthawking is mostly positive, and it remains to be seen whether the revised main report will deal with any flaws. A spokesperson for English Heritage made the point that they deliberately chose the word ‘Nighthawking’ rather than ‘Illegal Metal Detecting’ to make it clear that there was a very clear distinction between illegal and legal activity. So where’s the problem? Frankly, there doesn’t seem to be one. If detectorists are serious about being taken seriously, then they should be celebrating this report, lobbying for some of the points highlighted above, and working even more closely with their local archaeologists to implement its recommendations. Richard Thomas is a freelance journalist and public relations consultant, editor of ‘Sailers.co.uk’, has an abiding interest in archaeology, and has occasionally lifted a metal detector in the search for something interesting that someone might have dropped a few hundred years ago. WE WELCOME YOUR VIEWS ON ANY ASPECT OF THE HOBBY Letters, news items, criticism, articles, all are welcome and subject to available space will be included in 'Online News' as soon as possible. Just send them to 'Fid Online News' . And like everything in FID your contribution will receive immediate attention! Is very proud to feature such outstanding contributions. Any concerns or interest in membership of FID may be directed to Hon Secretary FID Detectorists Net |