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Online News For You!


We recieved this notification of a new International e-zine that is being launched!
From John Farrimond

This on - line newsletter devoted to treasure hunting world - wide. It is intended to publish monthly, with the first issue out at the beginning of September.
It is intended to contain news, equipment reviews, and articles about treasure hunting anywhere in the world as well as relevant adverts and a letter section. As this is an entirely new thing with only a low circulation at the present, people can advertise for free until the circulation reaches a reasonable level. I would also like to invite people to submit articles (up to 1000 words) for inclusion. E-mail to at John Farrimond-Here- I will be writing some of the content myself, but one of the things which I would like to include is a regular section about events, and I would like ask your permission to use some or all of your materiel in this section. Eventually, I will intend to build up my own contacts and news feeds, but of course it will take time to do that.
The e-zine is backed up by a links website which will be continually expanded and up - dated. I have already added your site to it (or will do so shortly).
Lastly, but by no means least! I would like to invite people to subscribe. Full list information is in the sig. below.

The Global Treasure Hunter Newsletter
Subscribe: -Here-
List info: at this website

Like the old saying says. There's good news and there's bad news, so which do you want to hear first? Perhaps the good to take the edge off things would be best to start with. Forest Enterprises who are the agency that now operates The Forestry Commission are from August the first supplying their managers with a unified access permit for those managers who allow metal detecting to take place in their particular bit of forest. This is a good thing because some managers did not even know that they could allow detecting if they wanted to! Their last letter to us can be found here – Forestry letter.

The first item of potentially bad news is that the Countryside Stewardship Scheme (which has been around for several years) has suddenly developed teeth. Take a look at this website to get the full picture – MAFF - FID is currently finding out what avenues are open to us gain some kind of common sense compromise. It might very well be helpful if individual detectorists were to do a bit of lobbying on their own account, in fact a few have already started by contacting their MP's and asking why our hobby is being singled out when others that are far more hazardous to the environment are not.

Item two concerns a rumor that a meeting recently took place of archaeologists, museum staff, the aim being to promote a 'Bill' in the autumn with aim of outlawing the private collection of antiquities. It has been alleged that among the speakers a 'so called' TV personality (known for extreme left wing views) openly described detectorists in very derogatory terms. We all need to keep our eyes peeled and ears open on this one because should it prove to be true we will need to fight against it's introduction with every possible means.
Are we being 'ripped off' for the latest comments see our featured letter on the opinions page.

Let us hope that wise councils win the day and that there will be a future for the 'worlds greatest hobby' without further restrictions and constraints.


Letters, news items, criticism, articles, all are welcome and subject to available space will be included in 'Online News' as soon as possible. Just send them to 'Fid Online News' . And like everything in FID your contribution will receive immediate attention! Is very proud to feature such outstanding contributions.

Any concerns or interest in membership of FID may be directed to

You cannot beat using the 'FID Live Links', there is a wealth of information on all aspects of the hobby at the various sites we link to throughout the world. The FID 'Message Exchange' is another good place to ask for advice and for those in the UK you can phone our 'Helpline' on 01635 522578. !

FREE INTERNET ACCESSSee DETECTORISTS.NET Join our free online community, even build your own web page.
If you would like a web page of your own but don't know much about it, you can't beat a trip to There is everything you need to build your own home on the 'World Wide Web' and it is all free . Many detectorists already have sites there, so why not give it a try?

Comment on current detecting issues which may not always reach the printed magazines.

C o n t a c ts
If you want to look up a metal detecting club in the UK then this is the nearest we could get to a complete list. We will improve and update it as we go along. 

Volunteer Staff
The contributors and volunteer staff of the FID ONLINE NEWS.

To information on the hobby, events diary webrings and more! 


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